Registration will close Purim Katan/February 15th.
All decisions concerning acceptance will be announced on Thursday, Rosh Chodesh Adar Beis/March 3rd.
Registration is currently closed and will iyH open after Chanukah.
To receive a notification when registration is open, please contact us here.
In order for application to Beis Chana High School to be complete, the following must all be received:
After all forms have been received, you will be contacted to schedule an interview for your daughter. Your daughter will be given a written assessment, after which acceptance will be determined and you will be sent registration information.
Newly renovated.. Basketball court, sports field, benches, gazebo…
After all forms and documents have been received, references will be contacted. When your daughter's suitability to Beis Chana is determined, you will be contacted to schedule an interview. Your daughter will be given a written assessment, after which acceptance will be determined and you will be sent registration information.
Registration is
currently closed.
To receive a notification when registration opens, please contact us here.
Registration for NEW students for the
5783-84 school year
To be added to a wait list, please contact us here.
Please note that space is very limited.
All are welcome to pre-register, without any application fee charged until progressing to Step 2.
In order for application to Beis Chana High School to be complete, the following must all be received:
Registration will close R"Ch Adar/February 22nd.
All acceptance decisions will iy"H be announced by Tuesday, Chof Alef Adar/March 14th.
Registration will iyh open 5th of Shvat / January 15th at 12:00 PM Arizona Time.
5785 School Calendar
The following is the schedule for the beginning of the school year. Please note that dormees must report to the dormitory by 8:30 pm the night before school opening. All travel arrangements should be synchronized with the school calendar. Exceptions must be discussed with the principal beforehand. The complete calendar and handbook will be sent to you at the end of July bez"H:
Monday, 29 Menachem Av, September 2: Dorm opens (arrive between 1:00-5:00 pm)
Tuesday, 30 Menachem Av, September 3: Orientation and First Day of School
Wednesday, 29 Elul, October 2; Rosh Hashanah break begins (dorm open)
Monday, October 7, 5 Tishrei- School resumes
Thursday, 8 Tishrei, October 10: Tishrei Break begins
Monday, 26 Tishrei, October 28: Dorm opens (1:00 pm)
Tuesday, 27 Tishrei, October 29: School resumes
Registration will close Friday, Purim Katan/February 23rd.
All decisions concerning acceptance will be announced on Wednesday, 3 Adar Beis/March 13th.
In order for application to Beis Chana High School to be complete, the following must all be received:
Please note that space is very limited.